PRISMA2020 - Make Interactive 'PRISMA' Flow Diagrams
Systematic reviews should be described in a high degree of
methodological detail. The 'PRISMA' Statement calls for a high
level of reporting detail in systematic reviews and
meta-analyses. An integral part of the methodological
description of a review is a flow diagram. This package
produces an interactive flow diagram that conforms to the
'PRISMA2020' preprint. When made interactive, the reader/user
can click on each box and be directed to another website or
file online (e.g. a detailed description of the screening
methods, or a list of excluded full texts), with a mouse-over
tool tip that describes the information linked to in more
detail. Interactive versions can be saved as HTML files, whilst
static versions for inclusion in manuscripts can be saved as
HTML, PDF, PNG, SVG, PS or WEBP files.